Because of the extremly high costs of hotels in Toronto this year, we started a program where local tangueros and tangueras can get a free Marathon Passes simply for hosting visitors to the festival.

If you have a spare guestroom or an extra couch or any type of accomodations that you can offer for a TTX visitor, then you will be entitled to a FREE MILONGAS PASS. It is that simple.

Both vistors looking for local hosts and local tangeros or tangeras that can offer a bed, couch or other accomodations can contact us and we will try to match you up.

Contact us here

Rules :
1) We are not responsible for any legal consequences. We simply try to connect people who have extra accpmodations they can offer to visitors.
2) Once the introductions are made all parties involved assume 100% of any and all risks with any subsequent actions between the parties
3) Please be respectful of the hosts, just as you would expect them to be if they would visit you .

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